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Optimal Control of Fluid Limits of Queueing Networks and
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An examination of the sign and volatility
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Robustness of the R/S statistic for fractional stable noises.
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On the valuation of constant barrier options under spectrally negative
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Finite time ruin probabilities of processes with phase type jumps.
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Ruin probabilities for risk
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The Erlang approximation of finite time ruin probabilities.
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The two barriers ruin problem via a Wiener
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F.Avram, M. R. Pistorius and M. Usabel.
Annalele Universitatii din Craiova 2003{ }(1).
The Pricing of exponential expiration Russian and lookback options under the spectrally negative
exponential Levy model. Avram, F., A. Kyprianou and M. Pistorius,
Annals of Applied
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Pricing American and Russian options
under spectrally two-sided exponential Levy models.
S. Asmussen, Avram, F., and M. Pistorius, Stoch. Proc. Appl.
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D.A. Stanford, F.Avram, A.B. Badescu, L. Breuer,
A. da Silva Soares, G. Latouche (2005). Phase-type approximations
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F. Avram, Z. Palmowski and M. Pistorius (2006).
On the optimal dividend policy for a problem for
a spectrally negative L\'{e}vy process. Annals of Applied Probability.
F. Avram, Z. Palmowski and M. Pistorius (2006).
Exact results and precise asymptotics for the exit problem of a degenerate two-dimensional risk process from a cone.